Supreme Concentration: Superior Performance

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Why are professional athletes able to perform
so well on a consistent basis? It's because they're so familiar with their sport and have put in so much time that wherever or whenever they compete they're focused and are ready for whatever the environment throws at them. A great way to attain this ability is by utilizing hypnosis for sports. You'll build your concentration and desensitize yourself to situations where you typically feel nervous so you'll be able to compete in any extreme. In this article we'll go over the principals of hypnosis for sports and discuss why it's effective, and how you can implement it to become a better athlete.
The basis of hypnosis for sports is quite simple, you're going to gain control over your mind and then present hypothetical situations to it so that you're prepared if they ever arise. A good example of this if you were a basketball player would be to imagine shooting foul shots with the entire crowd booing you. First though you've got to do some mind training so that the visualizations will be effective.
So first you want to find a place that's comfortable and free from any distractions. Once you're comfortable I want you to close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing. Try and stay focused on the rise and fall of the chest and the feeling of the air entering your lungs. You'll quickly find that your mind is constantly bombarded with thoughts. The key here is to acknowledge the thoughts but let them go, don't pursue them any further. This is the key aspect of hypnosis for sports as it allows you to gain control over your mind, so you're going to want to practice it until your thoughts become few and far between.
Once you're fully relaxed and your thoughts have slowed down you're ready for the visualization. This is obviously going to vary for each sport and the circumstance that you're performing the hypnosis in but to demonstrate we'll use football. Let's say you've got a big game later this evening and you're feeling quite nervous. A great visualization to implement would be one where you catch the winning pass or making a game saving play. Performing this kind of hypnosis for sports visualization will calm the nerves and allow you to focus your attention on actually doing what you played over in your mind with your visualization.
Another useful visualization used in hypnosis for sports would be to imagine all the negative things that you're nervous about before the game. This may seem counterproductive but if you desensitize yourself to these sorts of things then you won't be as worried about committing them and you'll be able to focus more on the game.
So to summarize, the most important aspect of hypnosis for sports is to enter a state of deep relaxation where you've gained full control over the mind. This will allow you to focus one pointedly on anything you choose, and allow you to call up any emotion you desire. If you still feel nervous or you want to desensitize yourself to something that could go wrong you can try a visualization.
Hypnosis for sports is that easy, and you can literally start to see effects in just a few days of practicing. The best part of all is that it will stick with you for life. Hypnosis for sports teaches principals that affect you at the core of your being, so if you master them you're sure to improve in not just sports, but every aspect of life.  Go HERE For More

3 Steps to Abundance & Success

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by Carol Look

It's one of the most surprisingly powerful mind-body approaches to personal growth you'll ever find…
And hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) of people have started using it in recent years to relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and even conquer fears and phobias.
By simply touching (or tapping) meridian points on your body while you recite specific phrases and concentrate on an issue, you can eliminate energetic blocks and subconscious fears
And even open yourself to achieving more abundance and success.
So can something so simple really shift your abundance?
The answer is YES! This technique — called Tapping (also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) — is effective, yet it's also surprisingly easy to use and share with others.
And the results have often proven to be deeply transformational.

How Does Tapping Work?

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the human body has about 20 meridian points. It's theorized that a person's life energy flows through these points, but…
Any fear or negative charges accumulated in these meridian points will end up blocking them and damaging the sequence. Tapping helps to clear this blocked energy using nothing more than your fingers and ultimately, intention.
Think of it like acupuncture, only without the frightening needles (a relief for anyone who is scared of needles!)
Unlike acupuncture, Tapping is not just exclusive to experts or masters. It's really easy to practice this technique effectively and give yourself results for issues that other methods have failed to resolve.

Remove Your Fear of Failure


I've identified five types of subconscious fears that reside within us:
Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of losing your identity and fear of unworthiness.
We're each locked in a silent battle with at least one of them, and they are holding us back from unleashing our abundant potential.
But the good news is, these subconscious fears can be banished…all through Tapping.
For now, let's concentrate on one of the most common fears: the fear of failure. Many of you may have already thought about how your fear of failure blocks your abundance…but changing still scares you.
And maybe you haven't had the right tools to clear your fear of failure — until now.
So let's start at the beginning. How do we get so afraid of failure that we won't try anything new?
It takes time and training to learn how to be afraid of failing. We either learn the fear from someone in our family, we're taught that failing is terrible (rather than just the world giving us feedback), or we have a negative experience and vow never to take a risk again.
I invite you to imagine a life without this fear…
Imagine a life where you are eager and looking forward to new ideas and new chances to succeed…
Imagine a life where trying something new feels exciting and optimistic, rather than dangerous or a recipe for failure.
Are you ready to stop imagining and start experiencing?
Then let's begin with these Tapping setup phrases to raise your energy vibration by choosing to clear your fear of failure!

Step 1: Tapping Setup Phrases to Attract Abundance

(If you aren't familiar with Tapping, please refer to the diagram for the tapping points.)
The Tapping Setup Phrases to clear your fear of failure are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud —
  • "Even though I'm afraid to fail so I won't even try, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway."
  • "Even though it feels dangerous to try new things because I might fail, I accept who I am and how I feel."
  • "Even though the risk of failing is too big so I'm not going to try anything new, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway."
You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish.

Step 2: Unblock the Negative Energy

Now that you've done the tapping setup phrases, you can get specific with phrases that focus on the problem.
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below.
  • Eyebrow: "I'm so afraid to fail."
  • Side of Eye: "I've failed too much already."
  • Under Eye: "I don't want to take a risk — I might fail."
  • Nose: "I'm not sure how to take a risk without failing."
  • Chin: "It feels stupid to take a risk."
  • Collarbone: "I can't afford to fail again…"
  • Under Arm: "I'm too afraid to even try…what if I fail?"
  • Head: "I'm afraid of what it will feel like if I fail yet again."

Step 3: Raise Your Vibration

Now for the positive focus on the solution.
  • Eyebrow: "What if I started to take some tiny risks…and didn't fail?"
  • Side of Eye: "Maybe I don't have to be afraid of failing all the time."
  • Under Eye: "What if I succeed instead of failing?"
  • Nose: "What if I don't have to look at change as failure…"
  • Chin: "I want to feel inspired to Clear My Fear of Failure."
  • Collarbone: "I'm ready and willing to Clear My Fear of Failure."
  • Under Arm: "I choose to feel inspired to Clear My Fear of Failure."
  • Head: "I choose to Clear My Fear of Failure and enjoy new opportunities."
You can also access more positive abundance vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
  • Thank You, Universe for teaching me how to Clear My Fear of Failure…I feel more aligned with abundance already!
  • Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel inspired to Clear My Fear of Failure…I am looking forward to uplifting results!
  • Thank You, Universe for making it so easy for me to Clear My Fear of Failure…I feel the vibrational shift and power already!
Simply repeat these steps, as many times as you like or need, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!
To witness the true transformational benefits of Tapping, watch this inspiring, complimentary video that follows a case study of five people who made the positive shift into abundance through Tapping.
We promise the video will put a smile of hope on your face! :-)
About the Author:

Carol Look is a success and abundance coach in the energy psychology field.
Her specialty is inspiring clients to attract abundance into their lives by using EFT/ Meridian Tapping and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build "prosperity consciousness."
With a distinguished background in traditional psychotherapy, Carol discovered that combining energy healing methods with her classic training brought incredible results to her clients and unlimited success to her practice.
Which of your amazing friends is financially blocked and needs to know how to attract more abundance into their lives using this easy technique?


Turning Fear into Gratitude

Gratitude is a fantastic way to not only ease turbulent emotions like fear, but it can actually help
you to better appreciate your life as it is right now (problems and all), as well as continuously
keep attracting better experiences. There are endless ways to use gratitude, but here are a few
that should be useful relating to fear:
Focus on something you appreciate.
When locked into a fearful state of mind, you automatically focus on the bad things that are
either happening now or could happen in the near future. those fearful thoughts have a way of snowballing out of control in no time at all.
You can reverse this process by instead focusing on something you can feel genuine appreciation
for. This might be a cherished figurine your mother gave you, a favorite chair in your living
room, or a love letter from your spouse. Spend a few minutes looking at this object, and feel
grateful that you have it. Think about the reasons why you like it (or love it) so much, and let
those happy feelings flow through you for several minutes.
If there are no objects you can appreciate nearby, try taking a slow walk outside and appreciate
the trees, flowers, animals and people you see. Focus on something positive about them, and
soon you will find other positive qualities coming to your attention.
Focus on someone you love.
You can also do this with people (or pets) that you care for. Simply call them to mind and think
about how much you love them, how much you love spending time with them, and the many
ways they add joy and happiness to your life. The person or animal does not have to be living
either – you can look at old photos of your grandparents, your first pet, or childhood friends and
relive happy memories you shared with them.
Focus on the positive side of your problems.
Gratitude can also be a powerful pathway to seeing your problems and challenges in a new light.
Rather than focusing on the bad aspects and feeling fearful about them, shift your focus and try
to find one or more positive aspects. For example, a frightening diagnosis may seem
overwhelmingly bad – but you could affirm the fact that you are being given a new chance to
take better care of your body; or that overcoming the illness will help you and your loved ones to
become stronger and closer. Give thanks for the lessons and opportunities that are always hidden
in every challenge. Here is a simple script to help you shift into an attitude of gratitude:
Another Simple Way to Release Stress Now

Stop Panic Attacks

Great Resources

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