How Self-Esteem Affects Our Confidence

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How Self-Esteem Affects Our Confidence
Our self-belief has a profound effect on our confidence and on the quality of our lives. If a person believes that he lacks basic skills to solve problems then he may lose heart and give up. In contrast, a person who has less abilities but who believes in himself stands a much better chance of being successful. This is because his self-belief gives him the confidence to try.
Have you ever wondered why only a few students in a class ask questions? Is it because the others have understood all the points made during a lecture? Or is it because they lack the confidence to ask a question? More often than not, it is the fear of making a fool of themselves that stops students from asking questions. In other words, they lack self-confidence. The only way this confidence can improve is when they start believing in themselves.
This is why self-belief is so important. It gives an individual the confidence to aim for the moon. It overwhelms negative thoughts, and drives away the fear of failure. It is the best antidote against self-flagellation, which turns several talented persons into under-achievers. It gives the students the confidence that they have nothing to loose. On the contrary, they realize that they have everything to gain by asking a question, even if it happens to be a silly question.
Abraham Lincoln is a fine example of a man who believed in himself. He lost every election until he went to the Senate and stood for the post of the President. He did not allow his failures in professional and personal life to erode his self-belief. Had he done so, the history of the US would have been different.
Self-belief gives us the confidence to accept failure. It teaches us the importance of positive thinking. Those who have self-esteem don't talk about failures; instead, they try to find out why they did not succeed. They look for lessons that can be learnt from their experience. This is not a simple issue of semantics. It is the power of positive thinking, and it is available to only those who have self-esteem.
Once again it is self-esteem that gives us the confidence to enter a new group, and become a part of it. Those who lack self-esteem are very reluctant to approach a new group. They don't want to expose themselves to the ridicule of being seen as shy, nervous or ignorant. They would instead prefer to stay in their corners.
In fact, lack of self-esteem stands out like a sore thumb at parties, at meetings, at conferences and at social or official functions. Individuals with low self-esteem avoid introducing themselves to others. They prefer to stay in the shadows, away from the sights of others. However, their colleagues who enjoy high self-esteem dominate the discussions. They are sought after by others for information. They are also invited to other meetings and parties -- all because their self-esteem gives them the confidence to open up before a group of strangers. It is the same student syndrome that is reflected in an individual's working life too.
Low self-esteem also lowers an individual's self-confidence. He takes to liquor or drugs to boost his confidence artificially. Nothing can be more futile or dangerous. Such behavior further destroys an individual's self-esteem. The best way to break out of this pitiable situation is to build self-esteem, which is not easy.  The individual has few options but to begin life afresh. The best is to look for a new workplace and a new set of friends, because it is easy to deal with people who have no preconceived notions about you.
But nothing will work until the individual develops self-respect and the self-belief that he is as good as others. He must realize that he is not the only one who has strong and weak points; the others too suffer from the same defects. The only difference is that the others project their strong points whereas he projects his weak points. All that he needs is to refocus his priorities. He will find the elusive self-confidence.


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Anger in Review

Ripping Loose or Calming Down? A Guide to Anger Management Ebook By Gary Evans
eBook (PDF): $9.95

With this report at hand, there's no need to vent out anger in a non-constructive way. From here on, you'd be able to make the most out of this rather negative feeling. It can even make you a better... More >
When we review the source of our anger, it often helps us to see the answers we missed when our emotions had control. Emotions are our makeup and they control our anger, sadness, joy and all other aspects of our thinking if we let it. If you are having difficulty managing your emotions, you most likely suffer anxiety, depression and become uncontrollable when your anger bursts. The best solution then is writing down your emotions and thoughts on paper and search for the triggers that interrupted your emotions. For example, I was involved in an incident that caused my mind's image to break off into fragments. I am unable to review the entire episode that created the chaos in my head. The incident caused my nerves to shatter, which led to anxiety attacks and periodical depression episodes. I cannot cope with everyday life and I often try to avoid people to minimize the conflict in my life. I have flashbacks on occasions that upset my nerves and emotions and when someone triggers me, I want to strike out and hurt them as they have hurt me. We are dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder in this experience; therefore, we need a coping strategy that works best for us. We see that the anger is going to get the best of the individual if he or she does not find a way to control the emotions that causes an uproar leading to anger outbursts. First, this person cannot stand to be around loud noises so staying away from crowds is best for now. Finding a safe haven in your home and a quite environment often works best to prevent anger and stress outbreaks. You might want to take Ginkoba for alertness to help enhance your mind. You might even want to visit a mental health expert and ask for a prescription that helps deal with post-traumatic stress disorders. Trazadone is great for relieving nightmares and night sweats, which are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Vitamin C and Vitamin B-Complex are also great to enhance the mind and help a person cope with stress. If you have difficulty focusing, which is another symptom included in the diagnose then you might want to focus on smaller tasks and move ahead to bigger tasks when you are ready. Learn to relax. Taking deep breaths before your emotions erupt is often good for dealing with anger. Yoga and exercise are great for helping the body and mind to relax. If you struggle with emotions its best to find out what works best for you and practice each day relaxing approaches to healing. It is important to pamper your self and avoid stress and stressors as much as possible. Remember you are at a greater risk of anger explosion more so than the common people in society are. The diagnose formally known as 'war shock' will take you boldly where no one will ever go. It is important to learn the symptoms and find a way to deal with it accordingly. Learning is growing and when your mind grows, it is developing a great survival strategy. Remember when you are overly stressed your body is affected gravely. Your diagnose puts you at a deeper risk, since anxiety and stress levels of post-traumatic stress disorder opens the door to heart attacks and strokes. Eventually you will need to face the trauma that put you in this state of mind. Therefore, I highly recommend that you write everyday. Role-playing is also great for these diagnoses and will reduce anger and emotions. Sit down in a comfortable area and pretend someone in the chair across from you loves you. The person has your best interest at heart. Now begin telling your imaginary friend the problems you are dealing with and what you are feeling inside. If you are feeling angry, tell the person how you feel and why you are feeling this way if possible. If you need to punch something soft, so you will not get hurt. Finally, vent all your energy and anger by vocalizing to your imaginary friend and when you finish review your scene carefully. Put the anger in review and take charge of your position when you see that your anger is not out of your reach.

Mind Technique #3

Ok! In Lesson 2 you learned about Subliminal
Messaging, which is unique in that it involves
very little effort on your part and creates the
mindset you desire quickly.

You can learn more about it here:
www.Subliminal-videos com

Mind Technique #3 is very exciting!
It's called: 'Your Ideal Day Generation'

This mind technique can be THE most important
thing you can do to achieving your dreams.

It doesn't need to be performed as often as
the others, but its impact is inspiring,
powerful, and long lasting. 

A certain magic occurs when you place pen
to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and
document what you are feeling or thinking

In a sense, your written thoughts and
feelings become more "alive".


If I asked you to describe to me your ideal
day right now, could you easily give me the

Chances are that you couldn't. 

And this is a HUGE problem because if we
can't see our goals, wants and desires
*clearly* our subconscious mind can't help
us achieve them.

Saying that I want to have lots of money
someday doesn't give the subconscious a
definitive target to aim for. 

How much is lots of money?  $500? 
$50,000?  $5,000,000?  And when will
"someday" be? 

In a month?  A year?  Ten years?  Next


To raise the odds of having the life
you always wanted, you must first write
down exactly how you would like that life
to be. 

Makes sense, right? 

It's going to serve as your guiding light. 
Whenever faced with a decision, you will
now be able to think:

"Will choosing this bring me closer or
further away from My Ideal Day?" 

This should quicken the time it takes to
make decisions...

...and will GREATLY improve the choices that
you make!

Not only that - but it will be your
"snapshot" into the future.

When you are struggling and feeling
defeated, you can always go back to
your Ideal Day and get motivation from it.


The Ideal Day Generation mind technique
will really get your imagination going. 

It should be exciting and FUN. 

Kind of like writing to Santa. :-)

You get to write down ANYTHING at all that
you would like in your ideal day. 


Never limit your ideas - especially when
it comes to wealth.  Is it possible for
you to have 200 million dollars in the bank? 
Yes, it is possible and that's all your
subconscious needs to know. 

And don't worry about how you will make the
events in your Ideal Day come true.  That's
exactly what your subconscious mind will be
working on. 

You worry about the 'WHAT' and your
subconscious (along with the powerful
universal laws of attraction!) will worry
about the 'HOW'.


** The above sentence is absolutely critical.
Please read it again, because I cannot
underscore the importance of this enough. **

Now, your Action Plan for designing Your
Perfect Ideal Day involves 5 important steps ...

To make sure you get the *most* benefit from
this great technique, I have outlined ALL 5
steps for you at my blog!
Go there right now and check them out!

In all due seriousness...

...this particular mind technique can
take you one BIG LEAP forward in
accomplishing your deepest dreams and

So visit here now to pick up "Your Ideal
Day 5-Step Action Plan!"

Yours in success,
Richard A. Luck

P.S. The responses coming in for the
Success Accelerator Subliminal Videos
is phenomenal!

(in fact I may even share some "success
stories" with you soon... :-)

Get a copy yourself, you will be
surprised with the fast effects...
www.Subliminal-videos com


Very Powerful *Mind Technique*: Lesson 2

Now that you have a handle on Affirmation Imprinting,
let's move on to a similar mind technique that will help
you finally get the results you always wanted in life.

Mind Technique #2 is logically, Subliminal Messaging...

Subliminal messages are like affirmations in that they're
also statements of the behaviors you would like to have...

They can be formatted a very similar way: personal,
positive and in the present tense.

BUT ...Here is the critical difference with subliminal

You are going to "bypass" your conscious mind and send
those statements directly to your subconscious.  

Your conscious mind won't even notice them.

You can see some 'proof' that these techniques not only
work, but can work extremely fast.

Find it here:

Why would we want to bypass the conscious mind?

Unlike the subconscious mind that accepts everything,
good or bad, that you say to it as fact, the conscious
mind uses reasoning, intellect, experience and emotion
to determine whether or not something is true or false.

If the conscious mind (I refer to it as the "critical
mind") sees a statement as being false, it will reject
it and not allow it to reach the subconscious where it
could have made an impact.


Let's say you've always been dirt poor, but you truly
want to accumulate wealth and enjoy a better lifestyle.  
So you start using the Affirmation Imprinting technique
that you learned in Lesson 2.  

Your affirmation is "I easily make ten thousand dollars
each month."

You say this affirmation for weeks, maybe even months
with little results.  

What happened?  

My guess is the affirmation so far away from what the
current reality is, that your conscious mind is rejecting
that statement as being totally inaccurate.  

It's saying to itself, "Make ten thousand dollars each
month??  I barely made ten thousand last year.  This
statement is absurd."  

The statement is then dismissed and thrown out.

This is why we need to "bypass" the conscious mind and
send those statements directly to your subconscious.  

Go here to see the success others are having with this

You're probably wondering why we would even bother with
Affirmation Imprinting when we could just use Subliminal

The reason for using both is because together they can
multiply the effects.  

So, let's say:

You saw a 20 percent improvement using just Affirmation
Imprinting and saw a 40 percent improvement using just
Subliminal Messaging, you would get greater than 60%
improvement using them in combination.  

Also, the amount of natural resistance created by the
conscious mind is not only unique for each individual,
but it is also varies within the different areas of
your life.  

So you may have a strong resistance to the affirmation
"I weigh 135lbs" ...

But have virtually NO resistance at all to the statement
"I easily earn ten thousand dollars each month."  So
basically, combining both techniques instantly enhances
your results.


To do this we are going to need a little assistance
from technology.  There are two main types of subliminal
messages: auditory and visual.  

* Auditory (or audio) messages try to sneak by the
critical mind by being played at frequencies that we
can't consciously hear.  My results have been mixed and
therefore, I tend to no longer use subliminal auditory
messages "on their own".

* Visual subliminal messages are just what they sound
like.  These messages are going to be flashed in front
of your eyes for a split second.  It's long enough for
your subconscious to register the message, but too quick
for you to consciously read it.  

Powerful positive subliminal 'affirmations' now flood
your subconscious mind -- Without your critical mind
being able to filter them out!

There are many audio CDs and visual software programs
available to help you accomplish this, however...

The most effective way to use subliminal messaging
"combines" both Visual and Auditory commands.


The Success Accelerator video series is the only
subliminal program I have seen that uses BOTH visual
and auditory messages to bypass your conscious mind.

It has been professionally produced to the highest
standards and has received fabulous customer feedback.
It's the only subliminal messaging program that I'm
prepared to put my name to.

You can find out more about it here.

Having received such phenomenal results with this
program myself, I can personally recommend the
effectiveness of these videos.

All you do is press 'play' and without you even
thinking about it or putting in any effort on your
part, your subconscious mind is getting bombarded with
powerful messages that will create the changes you want
in life.  

It doesn't get easier than that.

Your "Action Plan" for Subliminal Messaging:

STEP 1) Purchase a visual subliminal message program.
I personally use and recommend the Success Accelerator
Video Series if you want a powerful program.

Check it out here:

STEP 2) Be sure to watch one of your subliminal videos
each time you use your computer (the best time is in
the morning, and again just before heading to bed).

Because these messages are "bypassing" your conscious
mind, powerful, positive changes will happen for you

In the next lesson, we'll talk about Ideal Day
Generation, and why it may be the most important
thing you can do to achieving your dreams.

Until then, take care and have a great week :)


Richard A. Luck
New You Life Coaching

P.S. Right now, you can get a MASSIVE 40% discount on
the breakthrough Success Accelerator subliminal video
Here's the scoop:

Blessings to you

Imprinting *Mind Technique* (part2)

In our last lesson I gave you the formula for writing
*powerful* affirmations ...

I also recommended you check out the Success Accelerator
Video series, if you wanted to "fast-track" your success:

Here's the site:
www.Subliminal-Videos com

Now let's crank up the power of these affirmations with
my easy '6-STEP System':

STEP 1:  

Choose a maximum of three behaviors you would like to

If you're just starting out, trying to change too many
things at once will greatly reduce the probability of
any affirmations being imprinted onto your subconscious.  

Ideally, you want to choose just ONE behavior to focus on.  
Once you start to see the effects of your affirmation
becoming your reality, only then would you start with a
new affirmation.

STEP 2:  

Get ten index cards (the 3 1/2 by 5 inch kind) and using
the guidelines I gave to you in the previous lesson,
properly write out your affirmation in...

BIG, BOLD Lettering.

STEP 3:  

You are going to place these ten cards around your
environment so that you see them CONSTANTLY.  

Place one by your bed, one on your refrigerator, one
on your bathroom mirror, one on the steering wheel of
your car (please don't try to read the affirmation
while you're driving)....

One by your computer monitor, and so on in places
where you will see them often.  I find it also helps
if I keep one in my pocket.

STEP 4:  

As soon as you wake up in the morning and right before
you fall asleep at night, say the affirmation OUT LOUD
Twenty Times.  

When you repeat these statements, speak with Enthusiasm,
and Smile knowing that with each affirmation read
are deepening the "imprint" on your subconscious mind.

STEP 5:  

Each time you see any of the other index cards that you
wrote the affirmation on, say the statement out loud ten
times, again with enthusiasm and faith.

STEP 6:  

When the imprinting occurs and you start to see the
changes in your life 'magically' happen, you can move
on to a new affirmation to work on.


I know that it sounds over simplistic, but this mind
technique has worked for countless others and can work
for you if you maintain the discipline to carry it out.

BUT, if you'd like to 'effortlessly' reprogram your Inner
Mind for success ... I suggest you check out the Success
Accelerator Videos:

www.Subliminal-Videos com

In our next lesson, we'll talk about a powerful mind
technique that will help you finally get the results
you always wanted in life.

You'll love it! :-)

Until then,

Take care
Richard A. Luck
CEO New You Life Coaching

P.S. If you're ready to see, feel and manifest
prosperity and abundance, NOW, then check out the
Success Accelerator Subliminal Video series:

www.Subliminal-Videos com

Visit the above to see how these breakthrough videos
can improve your life...

How to Discover - and Achieve -- Your Life Purpose

"How to Discover - and Achieve -- Your Life Purpose"
-- by Jeff Staniforth
Does it seem like your life consists of just "going with the tide" - and that you have no particular destination? Do you sometimes look at your life and ask, "Is this all there is?"
Does the pursuit of material things sometimes seem meaningless to you? Do you often feel as though life is passing you by?
Is your time consumed by things that need to be done, rather than things that are important to you? Do people put demands and responsibilities on you that are opposed to what you want for your life?
Have you been trying to live up to everyone else's expectations while your own plans and dreams go unfulfilled?
If you answered "Yes" to any or all of the above questions, you're not alone. It's so easy for any of us to get "caught up" in life that we forget how to truly live. There's more wisdom than meets the eye in John Lennon's famous saying: "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
Frankly, life is too short for us to waste most of it on the acquisition of material things, in trying to impress people we care little about, and on things that will have little or no value to us when we look back on our lives during our golden years.
In keeping with the theme of this newsletter, I'm here to show you how to discover - and accomplish - your life's purpose through the use of affirmations. Your life's purpose may be defined as your personal mission, or your spiritual path, or the cause for which you live, or how you plan to make a difference, or what you want to leave behind after you're gone - or anything that's truly important to you.
Here are affirmations that will help you not only discover your life purpose, but also help get you deeply connected to your spiritual self:
* Each day my life is filled with wonders and magic.
* I feel my divine connection to everyone and everything.
* The light of God is guiding me in everything I do.
* Every step I take leads me toward my Life Purpose.
* I now surrender to the will of God
* Divine guidance is with me always
* I now let miracles happen
* Divine wisdom unfolds within me now.
* I am now filled with the light and love of God.
* Everything I seek is seeking me now.
* I now call on the light of God to guide me.
* I am totally one with God.
* I choose to experience things that will reveal my true Life Purpose.
* I am now acting upon my Life Purpose with joy and passion.
* I now accept that my Life Purpose is to love myself others.
* I am now free to do the things I love.
* I choose to do the things I love.
* I am fulfilled as a person.
* I am now clear on my goals and I have the strength to follow through on them.
* I am in a constant state of fulfillment.
* I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.
Choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you. Feel free to create an affirmation that's suitable to you by asking yourself these questions:
What do you want? And how will you know when you get it?
Those questions will put you on the right track to crafting life purpose affirmations that strike an emotional chord in you, or at least enable you to substitute words in any of the above affirmations with words that have special meaning to you.
TIP: Did you know... that if you use subliminal technology with your affirmations, you could multiply the power of your affirmations exponentially? The good news is that it's not as complicated as it sounds -- if you can turn on your computer, you can use the Subliminal Message module of the critically acclaimed Sculptor 3 affirmation program. The Sculptor 3 program flashes subliminal messages to your subconscious at a rate of more than 3,600 times per hour -even as you go about your normal work on your computer. You get to choose the subliminal messages, based on what you want to achieve. And it's so easy to use that if you can type an e-mail, you can use Sculptor 3.
I dare you to name the top 3 things *you* want in life and use Sculptor 3 just 10 minutes a day to make them happen for you. Go ahead and type the 3 things you want in the magic box provided Here and see what happens.
P.S. There's a lady by the name of Jaki who typed in the 3 things she wanted in the box. By the end of the day, she e-mailed me and said one of her wishes began to manifest in her life. She then immediately bought Sculptor 3 because she figured if her intent caused her desires to begin materializing, Sculptor 3 would most certainly multiply her results. She's right!
Join the millions of People Around the World Who Have Discovered the Power of Affirmations. Send for FREE subscription of "Affirmations For The Mind" Tips and Techniques Newsletter, the premier publication on self-improvement & personal growth. Each issue contains powerful sample affirmations that have been tested and proven to get results.
Appeared in "Affirmation For The Mind" newsletter.

(c) Jeff Staniforth - All Rights reserved

Check Your Confidence Level

Check Your Confidence Levels

Would you like to be confident? Your answer may be - yes; I do want to be confident. However, this answer lacks the impact. It is too generalized. Just like everybody wants to do well in life and be rich but not many ever realize this wish. This is because to actually get somewhere in life, you need to quantify your confidence. You need to define the task for which you need to be confident so that you can execute it successfully.  A mere wish to be confident won't take you anywhere. The dream must have a deadline as well!

Self Confidence might mean different things to different people groups. For a child it might mean to be able to recite the poem to her teacher the next morning. For a business executive it might mean to be able to present the business report to the Board of Directors. For a salaried person it may be the ability to be able to make a switch over from his secure job to a new independent venture and so on. To execute their respective tasks, these people need a certain level of confidence, which would see them through. Every task requires a minimum level of confidence to be able to be executed. Do you have a task in your mind to be done? Do you have the level of confidence required? Let us check it out!

Following is a simple questionnaire. You have to answer to these in a YES or NO

1.      Does it happen too often with you that you cannot take a decision all by yourself and you seem to look for your colleagues, friends, or your spouse to sort the matter for you?
2.      Do you always seem to be in perpetual need of a support system wherein you can feel secure?
3.      Do you just sit and listen all the times in your office meetings?
4.      Do you feel difficulty in reporting a matter to your boss or you have an excellent idea that can improve your company's efficiency but you cannot muster enough courage to go and talk about it to your Boss?
5.      Are you terrified to meet someone new? Is public speaking your worst nightmare?
6.      Do you timidly accept orders from your superior even though you know that you are already overloaded and you need to say no?
7.      Are you excessively concerned about what other people think of you? 
8.      Do you fear taking risks?
9.      Do you feel dissatisfied about your appearance?
10.  Are you uncomfortable in social gatherings – being amongst lots of people? 

If you happen to answer these questions with a Yes, you seem to have a confidence crisis that might become an obstacle in successfully executing your tasks. Don't Panic, as it is good that you found out since now you are aware of a potential problem of your life. The very fact that you are aware of your confidence rating makes you ready to take further action and work towards eliminating the negative effects of low confidence levels and work towards building your self confidence.

Here are some more questions you may answer.

1.      Have you accomplished anything in the past?
2.      Are you the one to go ahead and break the ice at a new place or wait for someone else to initiate a discussion?
3.      Do you feel you are well respected by others?
4.      Do you think you have the potential to succeed?
5.      Are you a happy and loving person?
6.      Are you satisfied with your career graph?
7.      Are you satisfied with your skills and qualifications?
8.      Do you feel in control of your life?
9.      Do you imagine yourself to be more successful five years from now?
10.  Do you feel that you are a worthwhile person?

If you happen to answer most of these questions with a NO, you have LOW self-confidence levels.

However, a YES is never decisive and a NO is never final. One needs to constantly maintain the good points and work towards converting bad points into good points. And the good news is that it is very much possible. It's important that you honestly answer the questions above, since only when you realize the present status of your self-confidence would you be working towards building self-confidence or maintaining and increasing your present levels.


Free Subliminal Video

Free Subliminal Video

I first came across subliminal messaging technology
for myself, many years ago. And it help me out
of a very bad financial and relationship place that
I was in.

I'm not going to bore you with my story, other than
to say I went on to building a very successful
property investment business, as well as changing
all my relationships (Family, Friends, Kids & Partner etc)
from just "OK" to awesome.

That's why I have researched and created my
Success Accelerator subliminal videos - so everyone
can have the opportunity to experience the same kind
of rapid and long lasting changes that this technology

You can check out my website by clicking here

Over the next few weeks you'll be receiving some
very cool and powerful mind techniques from me
that will help you make any kind of change that
you to make in your life.

You see, your mind is the most powerful asset
you have. And when its tune correctly (just like
a car) it will deliver whatever you ask of it.

So for now, thanks again for checking out one
of my videos, and I'm looking forward to being
able to help you create the kind of life you
truly deserve.

Extrovert Me!!

You've seen them. Those people who seem to have it all...

People light up when they see them. They are always smiling. They always seem to have it together and every thing just falls the right way for them.

At work, they get the promotions. Clients seem the easiest thing in the world for them. The boss loves them.

At parties, everyone seems to gravitate toward them. There is always someone beautiful attached to their arm.

You wonder, "What do they have that I don't?".

They are outgoing, bold, and "lucky"...

They are... Extroverts.

But, what if I told you they were not "born that way"?

What if I told you there was a way to replicate their behavior - and turn yourself into a natural Extrovert, all within just a few simple minutes?

The brand new Extrovert ME! website will show you how.

Click on to this website now, and learn more:

Extrovert Me

I promise that you'll love what you discover. Click NOW.

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