Ten Common Myths About Anger

There are a lot of information concerning anger and anger management. Some are true, but most are not. Before you proceed to anger management course, you need to dispel those anger myths. Here are the most common anger myths:

1. Men are angrier than women. This is not true in terms of the anger frequency. Studies show that men get mad as frequent as women do. However, study also shows that men have more intense anger while women have longer anger.
2. Anger is bad. This is not true, anger can be positive. Anger can stimulate you to do better in your work. It can also serve as a coping mechanism against stress.
3. Anger is good. Even though we said that anger is not bad, it is also not good if the anger causes more harm to yourself and your environments. It becomes bad if it leads to sexual abuse, drug addiction, property damage, and other harmful activities.
4. Anger becomes a problem when it is openly expressed. Most of us suppress our anger. However, this group of people needs as much anger management as the group of people who openly express their anger.
5. As you get older, you become more easily irritable. The fact is, according to study, as the people get older, they become calmer. Old people express a smaller amount of negative feeling and use their wisdom to coup with things.
6. Anger is not a physical thing. This is wrong in some part. You may have felt that when you get anger, you feel your heart rate increases, your muscles contract, and the hair behind your neck stands up. Your blood sugar level will also raise, your respiration rate increased, and your body temperature gets up. So, your anger is not only in the mind but also being expressed physically by your body.
7. Anger is just about getting justice. Contrary to the popular belief, revenge is not the main motivation of anger. The first motivation of temper is usually to assert authority or independence and to improve self-image Another motive of temper is to let go the accumulated frustration. One thing to note is that there is literally no intention doing harm while expressing your temper.
8. Anger only happens to certain type of people. Anger is a natural feeling, and everybody has right to be angry. Even truck driver, professor, doctor, police, nurse, millionaires, children, the elderly, all have the right to be angry. Tantrum is not nationality-related or race-related. It is a universal feeling.
9. Human conflict is the only cause of tantrum. The answer is, it depends. It may be one of the most common causes, but there are many other causes such as hot temperatures, aches or pains, exposed to foul odors, favorite team gets lost, or even simple thing such as forget where you left the car keys will lead you to temper.
10. Anger cannot be controlled. If you don't try to control or train your emotion, then your anger will always be expressed in a bad way. But, there is truly a way to control your anger. Anger management will help you control your emotion.

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